Transcreation consists of the following three services:
1) Translation
1) (creation of a translation which is very close to the source text)
2) Copywriting
2) (linguistic and cultural adaptation of the translation = recreation of the text)
3) Cultural Consultation
3) (consultation regarding the respective foreign market, target audience and target culture, the best solution, etc.)
Transcreation goes far beyond translation because various cultural elements of your target market need to be taken into account as well.
Your target-language text will be customized to match your intended audience in a foreign market.
Your transcreated text will have the same effect on your new audience as your source-language text has on the audience in your domestic market.
The goal of transcreation is a) to spark your target readers’ interest in your brand, products, hotel, or in a particular travel destination and b) to encourage your target readers to buy your products, make a hotel reservation, make a travel booking, etc.
In order for your transcreator to be able to craft a compelling and persuasive target-language text for you, you will need to provide them with a detailed transcreative brief.
Are you not sure how to write a transcreative brief? Ask your transcreator for assistance.
The following text types require transcreation:
Advertising and marketing texts ▪ Corporate brochures ▪ Headlines ▪ Hotel brochures ▪ Image brochures ▪ Newsletters ▪ Presentations ▪ Press releases ▪ Product brochures ▪ Slogans ▪ Social media content ▪ Taglines ▪ Travel brochures ▪ Web content ▪ …
Contact me to talk about your transcreation needs.