.How We Will Work Together

Are you considering hiring me for your English to German translation/transcreation project?

Here is how it works:

»»You tell me about your translation/transcreation project and e-mail me your English text (preferably as a Word file)
»»along with your briefing document.
»»Note: If you wish, I can also e-mail you my own briefing document for you to fill in and send back to me.

»»You’ll receive my project-based quote and Terms and Conditions after I've carefully analyzed your English text and brief.
»»My quote for you also includes two rounds of revisions and proofreading the typeset text prior to publication.

Order Order confirmation
»»If you decide to accept my quote, I'll ask you to send me your purchase order.
»»(Please use your company's letterhead for your purchase order. Thank you!)
»»You’ll then receive my order confirmation.

Translation/Transcreation process
»»I will produce the German version of your text and carefully edit and proofread it.
»»If requested, my German text will be carefully checked by a trusted colleague. This colleague will be bound by
»»a non-disclosure agreement.
»»I'll clarify with you any questions that may arise during the translation/transcreation process.
»»This is to make sure that I get everything right.

»»You'll receive the revised, edited, and proofread German version for approval by the agreed deadline.
»»You’ll also receive clear and easy-to-follow rationales and back-translations into English for slogans, headlines,
»»and those sentences or paragraphs of the text that required a transcreative approach.

»»You let me know within five workdays from delivery if you’ve any suggestions for changes.
»»I'll then make the changes you suggest and improve the German text free of charge.
»»You’ll receive a revised version of the text for final approval.
»»You let me know within two workdays from delivery whether the text meets your expectations.

Invoice Payment
»»Once I have your final approval, I’ll e-mail you my invoice.
»»You pay my invoice by the due date indicated on the invoice.

All communication will be via e-mail.
You’ll receive my quote, Terms and Conditions, order confirmation, and invoice in PDF format.

I look forward to working with you!



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